Our Products

The range of "NM SONIC PURIFIERS" products

    Dimensions : W 14cm x D 1,5cm x H 1,8cm
    For all AC cables close to the IEC plug of the equipment, or even if its not close to the equipment. It is attached with tie wraps to any analog interconnect at the entry of the signal,to  digital interconnect, video cables, speaker cables,power strip AC cable.
    Price : 100 euro / piece

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    Dimensions : W 7,5cm x D 2,5cm x H 1,6cm
    for POWER DISTRIBUTION BOARDS. You very simply put this on your Electrical board and keep it there.
    Price : 100 euro / piece
    Dimensions : W 8,5cm x D 7,5cm x H 1,4cm
    This should be placed on the cover of external phono stage's, preamplifier's, power amplifier's, cd's, cd transports/dac's, and any external power supply. It can also be placed near the motors of any turntable. We can also place this on top of video projectors to increase picture quality, contrast and 3D imagery.
    Price : 200 euro / piece
    Dimensions : Diameter 1Ocm x H 3cm
    The same as above , designed especially for High end  products having high current /power supplies and high Electro Magnetic Frequencies.
    Price : 300 euro / piece